La FLEMME émerge tel un tourbillon coloré dans le paysage musical français, entraînant son public dans un univers où convergent sons garage pop, textures psychédéliques et une indéniable énergie nerveuse. Originaire de Marseille, ce groupe de jeunes musiciens a déjà fait ses preuves sur les parquets des salles de concert françaises, chacun ayant préalablement plongé dans le monde de la musique à travers divers projets. Jules, Stella, Charles et Ronie, respectivement associés à Technopolice, Flathead, Tense of Fools et Avenoir, ont mis leurs talents en commun après une soirée où la paresse était certes au rendez-vous, décidant de créer ensemble une nouvelle entité musicale
La Flemme sort son premier EP éponyme,sur cassette le 3 Mai 2024 chez Ganache Records
‘Such a contagious youthful energy that, by listening to it, one would swear to be twenty years old again...’
La FLEMME emerges like a colorful whirlwind in the French musical landscape, whisking its audience into a realm where garage pop sounds, psychedelic textures, and undeniable nervous energy converge. Hailing from Marseille, this group of young musicians has already made its mark on the floors of French concert venues, each having previously delved into the world of music through various projects. Jules, Stella, Charles, and Ronie, respectively associated with Technopolice, Flathead, Tense of Fools, and Avenoir, pooled their talents after a night where laziness was certainly present, deciding to create a new musical entity together.
Their initial objective was simple: to take the stage for a concert within the next two months. And the result lived up to their aspirations: catchy tracks, infused with the frenetic energy of garage rock and a desire for psychedelic sonic exploration, etched into the auditory memory of their audience.

LA FLEMME - La Flemme
MAI 2024K7